Nǐ hǎo
Welcome back to Koru Hub for Term 4. It's great to see everyone again after the break and to see children settle back into routines quickly. A big welcome to our new children who have started this term. George, Tomas, Lucas and Ben have started school and Varsha is starting next week. We have one more child this term - Tisha is starting in November. This will bring us to 70 children in the hub. We have quite a few siblings in the hub now and it is lovely to see how the older children are helping the younger ones.
This email includes reminders for the term, learning programmes, events and our very exciting Koru Hub camp in December. There is a link to a camp google form in this email. Please complete it by next Friday so we can collect names and numbers of parents and children attending the camp.
Hub Reminders:
- Children need sunhats for outside during Term 4. A school hat is required and can be purchased at the office.
- As children arrive at school reading bags need to be placed in their reading teacher's grey tray.
- Shoes live on the shoe racks or lined up nicely at the door and out of the door way.
- At the end of the day please be considerate of the organisation that is happening. We will endeavor to have children packed and ready to go by 3pm.
- Throughout the day we encourage children to be self managing and one of the ways they can do this is by signing themselves in, hanging up their bag and packing their bags at the end of the day. It is helpful to us to let the children do this themselves, as it makes it easier for us to check once they are on the mat ready to go home.
- We appreciate it when families and pre-schoolers wait quietly and leave space for us to move around. Pre-schoolers are welcome to play in the developmental area and we appreciate it when you tidy up afterwards.
- We recognise your kindness and generosity when you provide lollies for the hub on your child's birthday. However, there is no need to do this and is not compulsory. If you choose to do so then please be aware it takes a long time to hand things out and we also have children with specific dietary requirements who are unable to eat lollies.
Learning Programmes:
Our inquiry this term is based on design thinking, how things work, invention, innovation and creativity. Thank you to those who have given us things the children can take apart. Anymore items are welcome. Children's writing will be based on descriptions and how things work. The maths focus is on fractions which will lead into multiplication and division. The focus for physical education is AFL, tennis and cricket.
The learning programmes are also focusing on individual children achieving the indicators on their Reading, Writing and Maths matrix that are not yet highlighted. Workshops and personalised timetables have been set up to support students to learn and consolidate these indicators from their matrices.
Monday 27th October Labour Day - school is closed
Monday 3 November New Entrant Parent Session 9:30am
Friday 14 November Lorenzo's beach clean up trip
Wednesday 5 November Community Evening
Thursday 20 & Friday 21 Nov Book Fair
Friday 21 November School Production - Aladdin
Thursday 11 & Friday 12 Dec Koru Camp
Tuesday 16 December National Standard reports sent home
Wednesday 17 December Prize giving
Wednesday 17 December Last Day of School
Monday 2 February 2015 First day of Term 1, 2015
Koru Camp:
Date: Thursday 11 December - Friday 12 December
Where: Wellesley Park in Akatarawa Valley (2km from Staglands)
Cost: $70 per child and $60 per adult
Who: All koru hub children, parents are welcome, pre-schoolers are unable to attend
Thursday 11th Timetable:
10am Depart School on the bus
11am Staglands - tour and picnic lunch
2:45pm Depart on bus to camp venue
3pm Unload bus, set up cabins, afternoon tea
4pm Camp activities
5:30 BBQ dinner
6pm Evening activities
Friday 12th Timetable:
7am Get up
7:30 Breakfast, teeth, tidy cabins
8:30 Camp activities
10am Morning Tea
10:30 Camp activities
12noon Lunch
12:30 Tidy up, pack up
1pm Load bus
1:30 Depart camp
2:30 Arrive School
If you would prefer your child not to stay overnight that is fine. You are more than welcome to come during the days. You could pick them up in the evening and bring them back in the morning. All Koru Hub teachers will be on camp therefore there is no alternative programme for any children who do not attend.
We welcome parents to come with us. We have a number of spare bunks in the cabins, however the space is not unlimited. There may not be room for every single parent, it will depend on how many children come on camp. In saying that there are many available beds. Parents who come with us will need to take a vehicle due to no spare space on the bus. There will be camp roles for all parents who come on camp. The main one being responsible for a small group of children at Staglands. Parents will be sleeping in cabins with children and will have some responsibility with those in their cabin overnight.
Please complete this google form and indicate your permission for your child to attend camp. On this form you can also indicate if you would like to attend as a parent help as well. Can we please have this returned by next Friday 31 October. Camp Google Form.
Thank you for your support over the year and we look forward to another productive term with our hub students and families.
Kind regards,
Demelza, Mike, Erica and Angela
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